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Diablo II Expansion Disc ISO: Where to Find and How to Use the Japanese Version of the Game

Writer's picture: credarerakhimesepecredarerakhimesepe

Hey all. I have iso files of the installation discs for Diablo 2. I just finished installing the normal game, but I'm having trouble mounting the iso for the expansion pack. This is how I mounted the normal images: sudo mount -o loop diablo\ 2\ play\ disc.iso /mnt

This worked without a twitch. Using sudo umount /mnt, I was able to free up the mount point again. Now when I try to mount the expansion iso using sudo mount -o loop diablo\ 2\ expansion\ disc.iso /mnt, I get an error from mount saying I have to specify the filesystem type...

Diablo Ii Expansion Disc Iso

I get this only with the expansion disc, the others work fine. It says it's just data using file, but I've been able to mount this image under Windows using Daemon Tools. There must be a way to mount it here too.

I first attempted to install Diablo 2 LOD from an iso image using acetone iso. However, after acetone iso mounted the image, it mentioned 'Please make sure to install the labelled disk'. I after that attempted with Gmount, and, adhering to guidance I received from some discussion boards, I tried to make mount factors and then set up; after it installed the picture, it set up the very first three disc images but not the development. When I attempted to perform, it told me to put the branded disc, actually though the iso image was nevertheless installed with Gmount. Hów can I solve this issue?

And right now you can place the dialbo storage and run the.éxe And if yóu lawfully purchased Diablo 2 LOD you should have got a downloadable choice on battle.internet, which should not consult for a compact disc when set up. And you could usually download a break, desperate instances talk to for desperate solutions. Wine files: Wines installation: Wines will now set up diablo 2 to it's 'chemical' travel, which is usually situated in your house folder with the name '.wine'.

I had the same problem, I found out that the installer looks in windows registry if the game is already install.So#1 - open regedit, ( Click windows button + r , regedit,#2 - Inside regedit, click Edit->Find#3 - put diablo for the text to find#4 - Click find next#5 - Delete all old diablo 2 references ( click on F3 to find next )#6 - Launch the installer#7 - It will now show install Diablo 2 instead of run diablo 2#8 - After installation go to your Battle net account and copy paste the CD key, you can not use your old cd key from the cd, you need to register it inside your battle net account.#9 - Play game

Just a note since I reinstalled it in this quarantine period :D After you install diablo 2 con windows pc, to play on you need to install the latest patch. This process is automatically handled by game, but you need to run as administrator to install this patch. So, install D2, then run it the first time as admin and connect to install latest patch

Hello,Good news it was able to find the CINEMATICS, PLAY DISC and INSTALL DISC! However it just flipped through the discs as fast as I could get the discs ejected and inserted. I never get to see an actual installation of the software and it was too fast even to be a copy of software from the disc's.

ALSO TRIED TO INSTALL D2 LODWith that install I get the same error as before when trying to find the cd-rom ("Error: Unable to find the CD-ROM!") maybe this install needs the same fix as Diablo II did to find the discs?

I follow the instructions - clicking on Next in POL when it asks for the next disc, and so forth.I've attempted the "Full Installation" with all cinematics, and just the multiplayer install, which is everything but the cinematics. Everything goes smoothly through the process of...Insert Disc 1: Install - Works FineInsert Disc 2: Play - Works FineInsert Disc 3: Cinematics - Works FineRe-Insert Disc 1: Install.... this is where the trouble happens.When it asks me to go back to the Install disc again, it does not recognize that the disc is in the drive. I've tried unmounting and remounting the CD, but no good. The installation pretty much halts and I can go no further.I've tried copying the files to a folder on my desktop, and that doesn't work either. It won't even start the installer when I do it that way.Here's a screenshot of what I'm seeing at that point.Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks!

However, if you delete the Windows.old folder from File Explorer, it can produce an error message. You can easily avoid this error message by using the PC cleanup tool to scan and remove the Windows.old folder (discussed in solution 2).

For those unfamiliar with the Diablo games franchise, this is a series of RPG, hack-and-slash games that got extremely popular in the late 90s and early 2000s with its first two installments and their expansion packs. Diablo 2, especially, has gone down in gaming history as one of the classics, next to titles such as Warcraft 3, Age of Empires, Half-Life, and more. Sometime later, in 2012, the long-awaited Diablo 3 came out and gamers who remembered the glory of its predecessors had high hopes for it. 2ff7e9595c


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